------- Brand New From Sharon Haver -------
If You Want To Really Position Yourself As The Go-To Expert In Your Niche, Read This
(So You Can Successfully Stand Out In Today's Saturated Online Market)
My Dear Friend,
I have a cutting-edge secret I want to share with you...
If you want to get noticed by the right audience and tired of seeing your competitors (even those with less experience than you) attract your clients, this could be the most eye-opening letter you will ever read.
But before we begin...
Something Very Important
Most people think the best way to go about this is to hire a professional photographer.
That’s not what this letter is about.
This letter is ultimately about doing it yourself.
The reason that’s important is because people relate to the real you more.
Being “Real” Online Was Hard
For Me At First
Yet I was able to transform my business in a way that I never thought possible.
If you find yourself falling flat gaining the dazzling results you want, there's a strategy that's so straightforward that it's easy to overlook.
Authentic Visual Storytelling...
Photos that act like a beacon to attract exactly who you want to attract are my secret sauce.
There is no “one size fits all” approach to amplifying your online presence and brand in today's modern world.
Yet in that very bold statement lies exactly what makes it…
Unique To You
You’re in the right place if you want to...
Reach a maximum connection with your most profitable and aligned audience in a snap without having to hire a bajillion people.
Not have to pretend to be anyone other than your true self, even if you're not a model or camera-shy.
I created a system based on exactly what I did that could help you out, more on that in a bit.
You Probably Should Know This
This isn’t my first rodeo- I’m a “tell it like it is” kind of gal-- and--15 years of my life were spent on big photos shoots...
I styled everything from Vogue covers to making polyester sweats look so good that you would actually want to wear them- crazy but true.
And besides that, I have a B.B.A. degree in Marketing. The business education was handy when I founded FocusOnStyle.com in 1999.
It was great.
I was truly a mompreneur enjoying quality family time-- while growing a successful online business
Until The Big Shift Happened
Influencers took over.
At first the whole “influencer” idea seemed like a passing fad.
Until they took over the marketplace.
Their ubiquitous presence buried people who had years of experience.
Yet, the original influencer "posing" bandwagon was not for me.
Nor was I going to make do with a generic passport-like business photo.
The whole image hoopla was looking bleak at first.
Even though I knew how critical it is to...
- Show a personality
- Differentiate myself, my brand and my business
- Not get lumped into the masse
Essentially, in today’s modern business world...
You can no longer “hide” behind your business or be “behind the scenes” if you choose to align with your most profitable audience so you can scale.
It's ironic that big corporations are trying to 'humanize' themselves because they know we don't trust them yet real people like you and me are doing just the opposite.
Here's the non-negotiable...
You have to be known as a human.
Even if you’re an introvert, not a model, or a normal everyday soul like me and you.
Here's the weird part...
My work or I have been in the media nearly 1,000 times.
Yet when it came to rebranding my business, doing the “photo thing” made me feel a little weird and uncomfortable.
I had to figure out how to not feel inadequate as the center of attention.
It was critical that I do....
Something Simple With Maximum Impact
If I wanted to be relatable yet aspirational to my most profitable audience.
If Superstars Can Do It Why Can’t I?
Clearly, I wasn’t a model, celebrity or mega guru...
So being in front of the camera made me feel self conscious.
But I felt that if the famous people that I followed on social media showed up as themselves, why can't I?
The ease and confidence were infinitely more aligned with how I felt comfortable in getting out there and being myself.
Voilà- a new solution to my photo dilemma.
It worked. And it was stress-free.
I found that entrepreneurs and so many others out there were making a horrible mistake.
They were trying to have complicated branding photo shoots to position themselves like a “celebrity” in these staged and overly produced photos.
The Big Names Are Doing Just The Opposite And Being Real
The entrepreneur trend for "branding" shots looked forced and contrived.
But why would someone create a wall between themselves and their most profitable audience?
By doing just that, they’d be hiding behind a staged persona like an actor in a play rather than authenticallybeing themselves which is...
Exactly what draws their ideal audience to them.
Kinda like shooting yourself in the foot on the way to the finish line.
I discovered something else...
Let’s Just Call This A Happy,
Profitable Accident
It started with the cover of my now best-seller book.
I had to get photos to the printer and couldn’t procrastinate anymore.
Rather than hire someone and explain to them how I want my photos to look, I just took the photos myself...
I started with a rented camera that I couldn’t figure out how to operate so I switched to my iphone and laptop webcam.
People were shocked that photos so amazing did not involve hiring a photographer.
But wait-- there's more. A lot more. I got the bug.
I started taking my own photos for everything- social media posts, memes, quote cards, blog posts, publicity images, video covers, you name it.
Elevated selfies became my easy secret.
They turned into my little opportunity magnets that produced big results.
I Didn’t Have Only One Photo That I Used So Much That People Tuned Out But An Endless Library of Choices
I could produce so many different headshots whenever I needed them…
Without dealing with a photographer or the expense of a really good one who could make these photos look natural rather than staged.
I’ll tell you more about this in a bit.
Really-- setting up these shots becomes intuitive and super easy once you know how.
It’s all about getting and keeping the attention of your ideal audience, prospects, customers and clients until they are ready to open their wallets and buy into you.
Not to mention it's what works in today’s modern market.
And guess what?
These type of visual storytelling headshots create the magnetic bond with your best audience- because birds of a feather flock together.
Plus-- you are being authentically true to yourself.
I call that a win-win.
Who Needs This Amazing Secret?
Basically everyone who is ever online, especially for business.
Someone who is a:
- Solopreneur
- Entrepreneur
- Coach
- Consultant
- Real Estate Agent
- Course Creator
- Speaker
- Author
- Expert
- Blogger
- Service Provider
- Free-lancer
- Small Business Owner
- Or desires to come across as your most authentic best in photos
And this is good for those of you who use photos for promotional reasons like ads, book covers, speaker one-sheets, publicity, sponsorships and affiliates, business cards, the list goes on.
It's Amazing For Videos Too!
There's nothing worse than saying all the right things but the video is so distracting or off-brand that no one pays attention to you.
It's critical to take a still shot before you press record.
Photos also strategically set up the composition for your videos.
This way you don't go through the trouble of filming yourself only to be perceived in not the most advantageous way.
It's time to say goodbye to auto generated weirdo thumbnails on your video covers too because now you can upload your own best shot.
Your Visual Message Speaks Louder Than Words
FACT: Studies show that in merely one-tenth of a measly second people form opinions of you based on your photos.
FACT: Potential clients need just three seconds to decide whether or not they like you and are willing to do business with you in the future.
- FACT: To position yourself for success, you first need to understand that our brains our visual instruments (making over 35,000 decisions daily).
This is why...
Your photos, and the first impressions they make, can have a lasting and deep impact on the future of how you and your business are perceived.
In short...
You’re A Swipe Right For Exactly The Audience, Clients, And Opportunities You Want To Attract-- Or Not
Don’t forget-- people kept asking me who took my photos.
They were shocked that it was only me and mostly my phone-- that's the secret sauce to real authenticity.
Time and time again, I found myself explaining how to...
Determine what your most profitable audience actually wants to see.
Stay on brand without being cheesy.
Take stunning on brand photos with just what you have.
Be relevant so you don’t date yourself out of the market.
- Become your own best photographer even if you can’t use a camera.
Suddenly my business focus shifted because I became an authority on brand authenticity.
It lead to being featured in more media, more clients, more buzz, more revenue.
All from taking my own photos and showing others how to do the same.
The more I was asked about my process and saw…
The incredible boost these photos provide to elevate my brand and bring in exactly the kind of people I knew I could help with my programs and services.
I started to document the process.
Each step from brand building to how to set up the right kind of shot and be the best at being you without any photography skills or even fancy equipment was laid out to help others do exactly what I was doing.
I Realized That My Crazy Idea Wasn’t Just A Simple Tip
Think about it...
Photos that actually help promote you and your business are infinitely more profound than just any old picture because...
These headshots help "sell" you to your best, most profitable audience by being magnetic to just the people you want to attract.
The reason why I was able to create an advanced breakdown that goes deeper than the photo itself is I learned a ton about branding an image to "sell" on photo shoots for 15 years.
Magazine covers, ads, and catalogs are there to create the desire for you to buy the product, whether it be aspirational or service.
It's the same need we have in our imagery for our business growth.
I also learned how to finesse a shot:
- Lighting
- Composition
- Angle
- Fashion Styling
- Camera-Ready Makeup, Hair, and Beauty
- Setting and Set Design
- Visual Message
- Brand Story
- And all that good photographer stuff...
WITHOUT going crazy or using a fancy camera...
But just with what I had at hand.
Then you add my entrepreneurial business background and marketing degree to make it all come together, so the process becomes pretty simple to replicate.
It’s not just me.